Friday, March 21, 2014

Folsom - WTL last show

I remember this show. Will To Live's farewell. One of those band memories that lingered. Sometimes all the shows blur together into one big cloudy mess. You can't remember where you played or what songs you played. My memories of tours read through my mind like a strange list of Seinfeld-esque episodes. "The one where the guy got brained with the top of a toilet reservoir" or " The one where we gave that dude a ride home cause he lost his keys pitting and he gave us a plate of catfish."

This was the last show we played with Jesse on drums. It was the end of an era. I didn't know it at the time but looking back I probably should have. We had booked a handful of shows to break up the 1500 mile trek to Houston. We ended up cancelling them all last minute except for a show in San Antone I think. Jesse was held up trying to close a work deal and we ended up blasting straight thru 20 hours to San Antonio. I think we were in the Fight Like Hell van and the AC went out too.

I remember the tension in the van. Awkwardness that you can't quite pinpoint. Distance.

The show was dynamite. I remember watching this video before and wishing that there was footage of the end of our set. Right before we played, somebody else, (maybe Die Young?) played up stairs in the big room and it took until about our 4th song before the down stairs was packed again.

I remember kicking it outside with my boy Give Up and talking about art and sacrifice. Later on we would crash at his place right after a hurricane had smashed Houston and a curfew had been ordered for the city.

Great send off for one of my favorite bands. Worth every drop of sweat and overpriced gallon of gas to get there. I never think about the money we all lost doing shows like this, only that it was necessary. Enjoy. Video Credit to Danny I think???

Monday, February 24, 2014

Hi friends. Long time no see. We have started the process of making a new record. Some of it falls right into place, expectations of a new FOLSOM record will be met. Some of it is completely different. A funny thing happens when your band stops touring and recording to raise families, focus on careers and finish school. Many of the songs that I wrote that would have been a bridge between where we were at when we dropped Hammer Lane and now, will never see the light of day. I am excited to finally get these songs out of my head and into the world. So far we have an intro and 2-3 songs finished. I have the rest of the songs written, just need to get them arranged with the boys. I am going to start posting all kinds of content. Email me at if you are interested in booking us, pressing vinyl, want an interview, want to criticize, encourage, etc.

Here are the lyrics to a new one.


Under the glow of the Great Basin starlight tonight
Planning to take control of this train wreck I call life
How many hours can I toil a week
How much more can I give
I lay awake with a burdened soul
Just screaming to be free

Good intentions won't pay the bills
Or keep her bed warm
Troubled hearts start growing apart
Distant cold and hard

Constellations cut thru the dark
The heavens torment me
Uneducated don't know their names
But I feel them mocking me

Coyotes cry off in the distance
Their lonely song resonates with me

How can hearts once filled with love
Break apart so easily

Coyotes cry off in the distance
Their lonely song resonates with me

How can hearts once filled with love
Break apart so easily

A thousand men have died out here
Their bones lost in the earth
I know their is knowledge in a land this wild
But I'm to ignorant to get it learned